p e r s o n a l 

 p r o j e c t s

o f  i m a g e  a n d  f a s h i o n

I. Blank Canvas

About Blank Canvas

II. My Story

now I'll admit the photography and editing for this project wasn't the best, but I wanted the project done despite the little amount of resources available at the time. Done in the months of april and may of 2020, at the beginning of lockdown, this project was a process of unveiling my rediscovery of my unique design. 

My Story was designed as a reflection on my life at the time, having spent most of my time on flights, in travel, and in lands I was considered a stranger/foreigner in. Middle of things, one of the movement pieces in my story, spoke of consistently being in transition spaces and places.


About the TJBS Shoot

IV. Lady Wisdom

About Lady Wisdom 

V. My Photobook

About “My Photobook” 

VI. Blank Box

About Blank Box

o f  m o v e m e n t

Hair: Lady Wisdom

I. The June Bug Series

Hair: IDfied Flame

II. Seen: A Tale of Vulnerability

o f  s o u n d

upcoming project - "Tapestry Stills"