p e r s o n a l
p r o j e c t s
Since this page is a bit of a 'mouthful', I've included a table of contents for easier navigation. Happy exploring :).
o f i m a g e a n d f a s h i o n
I. Blank Canvas
About Blank Canvas
blank canvas began as a birthday project that aimed to explore what it looks like to allow a year to really be a new experience. it was a space where I and the friends who were invited to the event are able to see and reflect on our identity as each day communicates it onto the blank canvas of our lives.
the images presented portrays the photoshoot that was had as part of the blank canvas event.
this project is to communicate that joy and our experiences of joy are often without calculation and can be likened to observing, nurturing and stewarding the growth of a flower.
II. My Story
now I'll admit the photography and editing for this project wasn't the best, but I wanted the project done despite the little amount of resources available at the time. Done in the months of april and may of 2020, at the beginning of lockdown, this project was a process of unveiling my rediscovery of my unique design.
My Story was designed as a reflection on my life at the time, having spent most of my time on flights, in travel, and in lands I was considered a stranger/foreigner in. Middle of things, one of the movement pieces in my story, spoke of consistently being in transition spaces and places.
constant movement, plane turbulence and landing signals were three core themes that were explored to explore the themes in my story
to explore this creative account, start here and explore until here.
a portfolio for each section is available below
About the TJBS Shoot
The June Bug Series (TJBS) is a story of peace shared to encourage viewing eyes and believing hearts towards faith for the journey. it explores lies, thoughts, mentalities and ideas that train us to despise the day of small beginnings.
on the last day of TJBS, a mini shoot was done to commemorate the process I went through in creating the piece. it spoke of restedness and confidence in captured moments. captured moments was, at the start, something i had wrestled with for fear that such moments will close the minds of those around me to discovery and true understanding.
view “TJBS” Portfolio here
Images from the TJBS Shoot, split into two categories: the June Bug (Orange) + the Series (Black)
for below: orange series then black series then image carousel of both
IV. Lady Wisdom
About Lady Wisdom
“Lady Wisdom” is a characterisation of wisdom in the form of hairstyle design. it depicts wisdom from the perspective of the African and Carribean experience, challenging ideas and perspectives of beauty and wisdom expressed through the presentation of beauty by playing on the stereotyping ideas of neatness in apparel.
the tones used in "Lady Wisdom" are shades of grey, that are both tight nit and loose flowing around each other. its bounciness and bubbly nature communicates wisdom as a contradiction to our expectations of its nature
she is loud, bold, yet silent; with distinct movement yet calm expectations - unbothered and without worry about being misunderstood, communicating that her peace is her nature from her nurture and core design.
V. My Photobook
About “My Photobook”
"My Photobook" came about as an exploration of my approach to creative expression in poses and still moments. It was a personal inquiry into my personal communication through body language and explored expressions of personal experiences (what some might liken to identity) in body language.
The main purpose of "My Photobook" can be summarised as: wise sayings and joyful poses
The project was paused before completion, but I am keen to return to it when the timing welcomes it.
VI. Blank Box
About Blank Box
blank box was not actually a creative project, but a friend who took the camera and purely just captured me and my personality in a beautiful way. The images were part of the inspiration for a few of my existing projects, such as “Blank Canvas”, “Lady Wisdom” and “TJBS”, so I thought it would not be fitting to exclude “Blank Box” from my portfolio.
o f m o v e m e n t
Hair: Lady Wisdom
I. The June Bug Series
Hair: IDfied Flame